3 Reasons an Accountant Should Handle Your Taxes This Year

Post it with the words Need Help? written in blue on top of tax documents

Written by Ziplocal

March 1, 2023

Everyone loves a good DIY project. After all, saving money is more important now than ever. There are many things in your life that you can tackle on your own, but your income taxes shouldn’t be one of them. Even though it is a yearly occurrence, filing your taxes is a serious matter that can have lasting implications for you and your family. Here are three reasons you should trust a tax accountant with your taxes this year.

1. A Tax Accountant Makes Fewer Errors

There are many facets of income tax preparation, making it easier to make errors if you don’t spend all day every day studying them as a CPA would. Because the IRS is so backlogged, you may not find out that you made a mistake on your taxes until several months or more down the road, which can really complicate your life if you are counting on a timely tax refund or end up owing the government more than you thought. Employing the help of an experienced tax accountant will allow you to rest assured, knowing that the information sent to the IRS is accurate.

2. A CPA Can Help You Find More Ways To Save Money

A CPA knows the ins and outs of tax filing, which can save you more money than preparing the taxes on your own. A knowledgeable tax accountant may be able to point out your eligibility for more deductions than you knew existed, which can help offset the expense of having your taxes prepared professionally.

3. Taxes are Stressful When You Handle Them Alone

Taxes cause a lot of undue stress when you try to handle them alone, and life is stressful enough without them. Believe it or not, some people enjoy crunching your year’s numbers and tying them up with a neat little bow. Those people are called accountants, and they can make your life less stressful when you allow them to help.

Connect With a Brown, Mobley & Way P.C. Tax Accountant Today!

This tax season, give yourself a break and let an experienced tax accountant from Brown, Mobley & Way P.C. handle your tax return. Give us a call at (703) 361-9068 or contact us online to schedule a tax planning appointment to assess your situation. The first 30-minute consultation is free! We look forward to helping you get the most out of your tax refund.

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